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Análise de superfície de tendência aplicada à chuva medida por radar meteorológico, nas regiões de Assis/SP e Piracicaba/SP.

 This paper presents the results from lineal trend surface analysis technique application. The purpose was to detect positive and negative anomalies in the rain measure distribution obtained by the meteorological radar Doppler, band S, located in Bauru, during the period of 21 of October/2004 to 29 of April/2005 in the areas of Assis and Piracicaba. Using three Z-R radar relations for rain quantification was chosen the specific equation Z = 32R1,65, as the best one. The results showed that the applied methodology was able to indicate the space distribution of the rain accumulated, identifying and locating the regions where there was rainy excess and rainy lack during each analyzed period. Suc

EMIDIO, Z. P. O.; LANDIM, P. M. B. . Análise de superfície de tendência aplicada à chuva medida por radar meteorológico, nas regiões de Assis/SP e Piracicaba/SP.. Geociências (São Paulo. Impresso), v. 27, p. 439-449, 2009.